At Informed K12, we're proud of being a bunch of book worms . When we heard today was World Book Day, we decided to find out which book each of us holds near and dear to our heart.
Here are a few of our team's favorite books:
One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez
(Jen's pick)
Why this book?
"I picked up 100 Years of Solitude very randomly a long time ago at a Borders (before it was an Oprah book! hah). I was just really surprised by how thought provoking it was and I continue to find new things in it."
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Díaz
(Ron's pick)
Why this book?
"I love Díaz's raw writing style, along with the book's perspective of Dominican-American culture."
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, by Roald Dahl
(Justin's pick)
Why this book?
"It brings out the kiddo in me!"
The Harry Potter Series, by J. K. Rowling
(Laurel and Emma's picks)
Why this book?
"Nostalgia! My mother used to read them to me until I could read them myself, then we’d each buy a copy of whichever book was new and race each other to the end. I listened to the Jim Dale tapes forever, too. Pottermore finally released them onto Audible and I’m actually working through them again right now" - Laurel
"I'm really into magic." - Emma
Lilith's Brood, by Octavia E. Butler
(Qian's pick)
Why this book?
"It's one of the most believable depictions of alien lifeforms that I have ever read. She gets every detail, from their physiology to their psychology. Their exchange invites comparisons with the xenophobia and prejudices of our own world."
Blindsight, by Peter Watts
(Qian's second pick)
Why this book?
"It's very believable and also very suspenseful, while questioning whether consciousness is actually an evolutionary drawback."
The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury
(Rachel's pick)
Why this book?
"It was one of the first science fiction books I ever read and a dark introduction to the potential role of technology in society. This book is still the first thing I think of when I consider the impact of the technology I help create."
Showa: A History of Japan, by Shigeru Mizuki
(Sarah's pick)
Why this book?
"It's a series of graphic novels and it's just an epic story. He manages to cover 50+ years of history, his own personal story (which is also incredible), and he also covers the perspective for what this period was like for Japanese people at this time."
A Million Little Pieces
(Sam's pick)
Why this book?
"Despite the controversy, I love this book and how it's written. It's unique in that it's told in the first person and the story itself is just incredibly vivid"
Animorphs, by K. A. Applegate
(JT's pick)
Why this book?
"I loved these books as a child and remember how fun it was to think about what it would be like to be other animals."
Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
(Rebecca's pick)
Why this book?
"It's a cheesy choice for a lit major, but I've never read a more suspenseful psychological thriller. It makes you realize how heavy the feeling of guilt can be."
The Death & Life of Monterey Bay, by Stephen R. Palumbi and Carolyn Sotka
(Jen's second pick)
Why this book?
"Aside from being about one of my favorite places in the world, this book is just a really inspiring and optimistic story about how people can work together to bring an ecosystem back after almost completely destroying it."
His Dark Materials, by Philip Pullman
(Jordyn's pick)
Why this book?
"The books beautifully handle topics such as the multiverse theory, death, and the struggle between an oppressive church and those who would oppose it. The main characters are everything I feel humans should strive to be."
What do you think of our picks? We'd love to hear some of your favorite books!